The yo-yo effect: consequences and tips to avoid it

yo-yo effect

The yo-yo effect has long since ceased to be a taboo subject. And yet, it is one of the most common pitfalls when losing weight. Here is the essential information and useful tips to avoid the yo-yo effect.

How does the yo-yo effect occur?

The yo-yo effect occurs when dieting. If you are on a very strict diet (see: crash diet or starving yourself), you are more likely to fall victim to this phenomenon. If you suddenly consume very few calories , your body will react, but not in the way you would like. Your body panics and goes into “survival mode.” It tries to protect itself during this “crisis,” because that is exactly what it feels like. Instead of the 2,000 calories that an average woman needs or the 2,500 calories a day that a man needs, you may not even be giving your body 1,200 calories a day. Some crash diets are so restrictive that they reach a maximum of 900 calories. You probably understand that this is bad for your health.

Your body then starts to save energy at all costs, which results in a lower metabolism, a slowdown in fat burning and a faster conversion of nutrients into fat by your body. In other words, your body is working against you and you are not changing your eating habits. A draconian diet (often with restrictions) is a short-term solution and promises you rapid weight loss . However, it rarely leads to lasting results. After the diet, most people return to their old eating habits. At this point, your body is still in “survival mode” and easily converts your food into fat. The pounds come back at lightning speed and you are back to square one. The yo-yo effect in all its glory with, as a result, weight fluctuations.

What are the dangers of the yo-yo effect?


Stress is one of the downsides of the yo-yo effect, both physically and mentally.

Stress is one of the many downsides of the yo-yo effect. The whole process and our body’s reaction to it speaks volumes. The yo-yo effect causes stress, both physically and mentally.

The yo-yo effect puts us in a vicious circle . In fact, stress affects your weight. It causes hormonal fluctuations which, in turn, affect your weight. Stress causes insomnia. Even our fat cells can sense stress and therefore store more fat.

Mental stress also affects your quality of life . The stress of dieting can consume us and that is really not the goal. If you want to lose weight, it is possible and you can do it but it should not prevent you from being happy today.

Muscle wasting

During weight loss, we need to take care of our muscles. Indeed, losing weight too quickly and lacking essential nutrients can lead to loss of muscle mass.

Muscles burn calories and play a vital role in the fight against kilos or simply in a healthy lifestyle. There is a tendency to confuse muscle building and bodybuilding. An unfortunate misunderstanding because the combination of cardio training and muscle building can give you an incredible boost.

Bad for your health

The yo-yo effect is dangerous for your health. Some studies even consider the yo-yo effect to be more harmful to your health than being slightly overweight. The yo-yo effect can also lead to high blood pressure, inflammation, heart disease, and even diabetes .

These are just the physical drawbacks, as the yo-yo effect also has a mental impact . Studies show that people who find themselves in the vicious cycle of the yo-yo effect are more often prone to depression, eating disorders , and low self-esteem.

Risk of bulimia attacks

Crash diets regularly lead to binge eating. You eat too few calories, you restrict yourself and the cravings become even stronger and you end up losing control. Binge eating and the yo-yo effect reinforce each other in a vicious circle.

Preventing the yo-yo effect: 5 tips

Tip 1 against the yo-yo effect: say NO to draconian diets

It is obvious that crash diets are not a long-term solution. Scientific studies confirm that crash diets do more harm than good to our bodies. The negative spiral that encourages your body to go into “survival mode” is really bad for your health.

If you want to lose weight or if you do not have a healthy lifestyle, do not take refuge in draconian diets. Contrary to what these diets would have us believe, it is possible to lose weight while being healthy and you do not need a draconian diet to achieve this. You need professional advice . A nutritionist can offer you personalized support and help you set realistic goals that will be a source of motivation and not the opposite .

Tip 2 against the yo-yo effect: eat healthier

A good distribution of your plate helps avoid the yo-yo effect

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